Enterployee.com is a employee relationship management tool for enterprise.
It’s a fully managed notification platform for employees.
We have a vision to make organizations more professional and organized.
After getting an enterployee account organizations can notify their employees easily and
employees can connect with their company in better way.
Some unique points about the software are:
We allow companies to create departments and link people to their company (only linked
people get notifications from that department)
We notify the related people on their email, mobile (By SMS) and enterployee account.
Employees can upload their personal data like PAN card, Smart card etc select out of them
and directly share it with their linked companies. Any future modification in the file will
automatically be updated to the documents in the company profile.
Companies can notify their employees by writing the message on the site or just by
uploading the already written files in the format word/pdf/rar etc. The files will be available to
the linked people of the department.
Only linked people of the department will get to see the department profile and their events.
Companies and employees can create their public and professional pages and share it online.
Enterployee.com is a Student/parents relationship management tool for Schools.
It’s a fully managed notification platform for Students/parents.
We have a vision to make organizations more professional and organized.
After getting an enterployee account Schools can notify their Students/partents easily and
Parents can connect with the school in better way.
Some unique points about the software are:
We allow Schools to create class wise departments and link student's Parents to their School (only linked
people get notifications from that department)
We notify the related people on their email, mobile (By SMS) and enterployee account.
Students/parents can upload the personal data of their ward like ID Proof, Address Proof etc.
and directly share it with their linked Department. Any future modification in the file will
automatically be updated to the documents in the School profile.
Schools can notify the parents by writing the message on the site or just by
uploading the already written files in the format word/pdf/rar etc. The files will be available to
the linked people of the department.
No Need to write Notes in student's daires just update the message on enterployee and we will deliver them to the concerned parents.
Only linked people of the department will get to see the department profile and their events.
Schools and Students can create their public and professional pages and share it online.
Arrange PTM
Call Partents for a complain/feedback
Send Fees Notifications
And Send Bunk Notifications
Enterployee.com is a Student relationship management tool for Colleges.
It’s a fully managed notification platform for Students.
We have a vision to make organizations more professional and organized.
After getting an enterployee account Colleges can notify their Students easily and
Students can connect with the College in better way.
Some unique points about the software are:
We allow College to create branch wise departments and link student to their College (only linked
people get notifications from that department)
We notify the related people on their email, mobile (By SMS) and enterployee account.
Students can upload the personal data of their ward like ID Proof, Address Proof etc.
and directly share it with their linked Department. Any future modification in the file will
automatically be updated to the documents in the College profile.
College can notify the parents by writing the message on the site or just by
uploading the already written files in the format word/pdf/rar etc. The files will be available to
the linked people of the department.
Only linked people of the department will get to see the department profile and their events.
Schools and Students can create their public and professional pages and share it online.
Call Partents for a complain/feedback
Send Fees Notifications
Send Event/exam/result Notifications
And Send Bunk Notifications
Enterployee.com is a Student relationship management tool for Groups.
It’s a fully managed notification platform for Individuals.
We have a vision to make organizations more professional and organized.
After getting an enterployee account Groups can notify their members easily and
members can connect with the Groups in better way.
Some unique points about the software are:
We allow Grpups to create departments and link members to their Groups (only linked
people get notifications from that department)
We notify the related people on their email, mobile (By SMS) and enterployee account.
members can upload the personal data of their ward like ID Proof, Address Proof etc.
and directly share it with their linked Department. Any future modification in the file will
automatically be updated to the documents in the College profile.
Groups can notify the members by writing the message on the site or just by
uploading the already written files in the format word/pdf/rar etc. The files will be available to
the linked people of the department.
Only linked people of the department will get to see the department profile and their events.
Groups and members can create their public and professional pages and share it online.
Arrange Meetings
Send Fees Notifications
Send Event/exam/result Notifications
And Send Bunk Notifications
Enterployee.com is a employee/company relationship management tool for Consultants.
It’s a fully managed notification platform for Employees.
We have a vision to make organizations more professional and organized.
After getting an enterployee account Consultants can notify employees linked to their account easily and
employees can connect with the Consultants in better way.
Some unique points about the software are:
We allow Consultants to create skill wise departments and link employees to their account (only linked
people get notifications from that department)
We notify the related employees on their email, mobile (By SMS) and enterployee account.
employees can upload the personal data of their ward resume,experience letter etc.
and directly share it with their linked Department. Any future modification in the file will
automatically be updated to the documents in the Account.
Consultants can notify the members by writing the message on the site or just by
uploading the already written files in the format word/pdf/rar etc. The files will be available to
the linked people of the department.
Only linked people of the department will get to see the department profile and their events.
Consultants and Employees can create their public and professional pages and share it online.
Find better employees
Post Jobs
Connect with companies
Arrange Meetings
Send Fees Notifications
Send Event/exam/result Notifications
And Send Bunk Notifications
Employees get a EID which can be shared anywhere and anytime so that people can find and know about you like enterployee.com/eid/1
Employees can submit resume online
Employees can submit documents
Employees can submit Application for leave,meetings
Employees can ask for details online
Employees can connect with their co-workers directly.